April 2, 2022

Pure Healthcare Visitor Policy and Guidelines

The following guidelines apply to guests and patients visiting Pure Healthcare, Care Center – Dayton. For our services being provided within a hospital, extended care or other facilities, we will defer to the rules and guidelines in place at those locations.

The mission of Pure Healthcare is to provide individualized, person-centered education, supportive care and health services that maximize the quality of life of those we have the privilege to serve, enabling them to thrive and live independently, longer.

We are working to do our part to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to protect the well-being of our visitors, patients and staff. After careful consideration of the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, we have implemented an updated visitor policy and guidelines to protect our patients, families, volunteers and staff. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Visiting Policy and Guidelines


Upon arrival to the Pure Healthcare, Care Center – Dayton, all visitors and guests will be assisted with safety and screening procedures prior to entering the building.

These include:

  • Wearing a face mask during your visit. If you do not have one, a face mask will be provided to you.
  • Performing hand hygiene will be expected, with hand sanitizer provided at the entrance. Hand sanitizer is also provided at hand hygiene stations throughout the building.
  • As part of registration/check-in for your appointment, patients will be asked screening questions related to travel or exposure history.
  • Visitors will be asked to print their name and complete the attestation upon arrival/check in.


If you are admitted to one of our care suites on levels 2 or 3, you must comply with these additional requirements for the duration of your visit:

  • Wear a mask outside of the patient room during your visit.
  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, frequently.
  • You may bring food and drink with you.

These guidelines may be amended or changed without notice at any time based on guidance by public health officials.

Symptomatic, suspected, or COVID-19-positive patients and or their families should follow the recommendations of their primary care provider and not visit Pure Healthcare – Care Center-Dayton.

If you begin to feel ill or develop a temperature of 100.0°F degrees or higher while visiting, you will be given a standard medical mask to put on and will be asked to conclude your visit and follow up with your primary care physician.


Community-Based and Home Visits

We will continue to serve patients and their families during this time. For suspected or known COVID-19-positive patients, visits will be completed using telehealth until their quarantine is completed.

Again, we appreciate your grace, support and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask to speak with a care team member.


Version: PHC_20212402_VisitorNotification